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Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

At Moorlands, we are very fortunate to have so much space to explore, including two woodland areas, open fields and our very own outdoor classroom – the tipi!

Throughout the year, each class takes part in outdoor learning sessions, exploring and learning through nature as the seasons change. Sessions are guided by the changing seasons, National Curriculum links, the interests of the children, the weather and national initiatives and events. For example, during the autumn term, we explore the changing seasons by making crafts and artwork from autumn leaves and by looking at how animals prepare for winter through creating food stores and hibernating. We also link our activities to national events including recycling week, Diwali and Christmas.

There are many benefits to learning outdoors. It can help children to develop their self-esteem, cooperation skills, creativity, and appreciation and knowledge of the natural environment. Being outdoors often provides one of the most memorable learning experiences and helps children to make sense of the world around them by putting their learning into context. It also teaches them that there is fun to be had outdoors, whatever the weather!