Year 3

Woodpecker and Kingfisher classes
Welcome to Year 3
Year 3 in Moorlands is the children’s first experience of going to school on the Junior site; we support the children through a carefully thought-out transition so that they feel happy, comfortable and ready for learning in their new Year 3 classrooms.
Each day features learning opportunities to recap prior learning, and for calm, quiet reading. We learn new skills in Reading, Maths and Writing each day and through the week we provide learning opportunities across our broad curriculum in subjects such as music, PE, RE, geography, history, science and French.
Once a week we are lucky enough to have an Outdoor Learning lesson, somewhere within our beautiful school grounds. We also have some time learning computing skills on the school’s iPads, laptops or Chromebooks. We supplement our school curriculum with trips and opportunities to learn from appropriate visitors.
We celebrate the achievements of the children through our LEARN Values which are:
- Lead by example
- Engage and enjoy
- Achieve your best
- Respect everyone
- Never give up
Alongside this, we also ensure high standards of behaviour through the use of our routines:
- Wonderful Walking
- Legendary Lining up
- Terrific Transitions
- Moorlands Manners.
We aim to ensure that children have a wonderful experience during their first year of being in the Junior School, with oppotunities for creativity, academic curiousity, teamwork, mistakes and having an excellent time in a kind, caring environment.