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Moorlands Schools Federation is part of The Partnership Trust who are the Admissions Authority for all schools within it. You can find out more on their website. The Partnership Trust

We understand that choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make and we would strongly recommend that you take the opportunity to visit those schools that you are interested in so that you can see the facilities and learning on offer. If you would like to arrange a visit to see our school in action, if you have any questions or require any further information, please contact the school office or 01225 421912 who will  be able to help.

Moorlands Schools Federation comprises an Infant School and a Junior School.  Below we have set out information  about how to apply when your child starts Infant School (Reception) and Junior School (Year 3) as well  as  information about admissions at  all other times.

If you require any further information, please contact our school office on or 01225 421912 who will  be able to help.

Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. We recommend that you make a visit so we can show you all the facilities on offer at Moorlands as well as the exciting learning that is taking place.

Reception and Year 3 Admissions

The Partnership Trust is the Admissions Authority for our school. However, the Local Authority manages admissions on behalf of the Trust for children joining at the start of 2023. Information can be found on BATHNES website.

Joining School in Reception: Children are offered three full terms of education in their reception year and most are admitted in the September following their fourth birthday. Legally, however, children do not have to be in school until the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday, so parents may defer the start of school until January or April if they wish. If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.

To ensure a happy and confident start to their formal schooling, there is a carefully managed induction programme in September which includes shorter sessions and days. This enables the staff team to build relationships with the children and for the children to settle into new routines.

Children and parents are invited into school for a series of induction events in the summer term preceding their entry. In the first term, parents are invited to curriculum events where information is shared to help them support their child’s learning.

Our planned admission numbers (PAN) for Moorlands Infant School (Early Years Foundation Stage) is 60.

Joining School in Year 3: Children are admitted separately to the Infant and Junior Schools. This means you need to apply for a school place when your child is due to start school in Reception AND again in Year 2 for the start of the Junior School.   Our planned admissions number (PAN) for Moorlands Junior School (Y3) is 60.

In Year Admissions:  In year admissions are requests for places at school aside from the initial admission of Reception children and/or Year 3 children each September. As an own admission authority, The Partnership Trust is responsible for setting in year admissions processes for all schools within.

Details of our admission arrangements can be found on the below links and applications are made on the Trust’s Application form which you can find here. If you would prefer a hard copy of any of these documents, please get in touch with the school office or 01225 421912.

Admission Arrangements

Appeals For Places: Information on the appeals process including the appeals timetable and form can be accessed from the Admission Arrangements link above.

Please note that, for children joining us at the start of Reception / year 3, once we are notified that they have been allocated a place at our school, we will contact you with an invitation to take part in our induction programme. This provides an opportunity for you and your child to learn more about the school and meet the class teachers and for us to find out more about your child.