Family Engagement
We believe that a strong relationship between home and school supports children’s learning. We work hard to ensure that we have good relationships with children’s families, with a wide range of activities and opportunities for adults at home to learn about life at school and for the school to get to know families. These include:
Induction Events: Before children begin school, we offer a carefully planned induction, including an induction event for families, information evenings for parents, a Teddy Bear’s Picnic for children and their older or younger siblings and story times.
Home–School Communication: we use Home-School Partnership Evenings, Curriculum Workshops and our twice-termly Fed Times newsletter to keep families up to date. We communicate though ClassDojo, by email and through the My Child At School (MCAS) app.
ClassDojo is an easy and effective way for parents, carers and teachers to communicate, celebrate achievements and share the children’s learning.
Volunteer Helpers: We are always grateful for help from volunteers, be it by listening to children read, cooking, gardening or helping with other classroom activities. Children really benefit from this experience and support. If you would like to help in this way, please contact your child’s class teacher.